Wednesday 3 June 2015

The Amur leopard
(panthera padus orientalis)

Also known as the korean leopard,manchurian leopard or the far east leopard,is the most rarest cat on earth. They are losing number fast There are only 35 left in the wild and 25 in captivity, plus they only live for 21 years in captivity. They are 64-75 cm in height (male) and weight 22-48 kg (male).
They create their territory and raise their young from a sticky,hot summer on a  dehydrated bank by a murky river (amazon). And winter in a frosty den at the backside of a snow mountain.And there are only a few reasons their dying out. Firstly it’s us humans who are making their  lives scarce. Their fur is soft, elegant and expensive that makes their numbers shrink.
But something great has happened The near extinction Amur leopard has just about doubled in number because back in 2007 there were only 25 left. And they are now hopefully going to be saved before the Amur leopard is an unknown name of the past.

             By E.J.U Kippenberger